Me, Kristyn & Tino, Alison & Jeff, Lauren&Melissa |
Florence: Michealangelo's 'David' in Background |
Last October I met Kristyn, her husband Tino, Alison and her boyfriend Jeff, Lauren and her best friend
Melissa in Rome. We drove the Amalifi Coast (a spectacular drive), and enjoyed visiting Sienna and Positano. Then went north to the Tuscan region where we rented a villa for 5 days. From there we
traveled to Florence, Pisa, and different places along the way, then spent the last few days in Rome. It was a
place full of beauty, history, culture, good food and wine; but most of all, it was great to see my family and enjoy some
traveling together.
Kristyn, Tino and Jeff Cooking an Authentic |
Italian Dinner at the Villa |
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Most of the pictures I took on the trip were stills, but the ones of my kids (all of them!) were the best
sites for me anyway.
The meal they cooked that night was incredible....and after eating in an army mess hall for four months believe
me, I really enjoyed some home cooking. The villa sat on a hill overlooking rolling hills of grapevines and olive trees.
It was such a peaceful place. Because it was the fall when we were there, there were no grapes on the vines, but we
did enjoy the fruit of the vine along the way!